There will be no birthday bash for Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan, who turned 63 on Tuesday. The legendary actor has called off the celebrations in the wake of quake that struck Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan, claiming thousands of lives and rendered millions homeless.
"I normally don't celebrate my birthday. Some family people wanted to have a little celebration, but I have cancelled them because of the terrible tragedy that has happened in Jammu and Kashmir and also our neighbouring country Pakistan," said Amitabh Bachchan.
He did not feel it proper to have any kind of celebration, when "our own countrymen and the countrymen of our neighbouring country have gone through so much stress and strain and trauma," said the 'angry young man' of yesteryears.
However, colleagues from the film industry made a beeline for his suburban bungalow, which was flooded with flowers, phone calls and cards. A huge crowd of fans also gathered outside his residence to get a glimpse of their favourite star. An admirer even cycled to Mumbai from Delhi to wish Bachchan, while another fan spoke of his plans to write a 25-km-long letter to the star and personally hand it over to Big B.
"I cannot stop them. This is their affection and love and we live for this. And I hope that this love and affection remains with us so that we are inspired to work more and be able to satisfy their desires and expectations," Bachchan commented on the adulation showered by his fans.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:28 IST